Hand analysis

The Core of the Soul

A palm reading helps you remember who you REALLY are. Using a print that I make of your hands, I work out a character sketch. I look at where any bottlenecks are and where your talents lie. It gives you insight into how you are in life NOW and what you could work on.

When you change, the lines in your hands change too!

What certainly cannot be seen in your hands is how long you live, how many children you yourself will have, when your "dream"  prince (ess) comes. Palm reading is not predicting the future, it shows trends. Situations can change and so can your hands. Your future is in your own hands.

Tarot and numerology

The Tarot has always held a special attraction for me. I already had a deck at home during high school and every now and then I drew a card and looked in the accompanying booklet to see what this card meant. How different and more interesting I read the cards now. I immediately put the booklets away and I LOOK at the cards. I let them do what they were made to do; communicate with the subconscious. This gives you tools to determine your direction. Tarot is NOT fortune telling. You determine that all by yourself through your choices and your beliefs. Tarot does create clarity about those choices or beliefs.

Tarot and numerology go very well together for me. Using your date of birth I calculate a numeroscope. This gives you insight into why you do things the way you do them.

I give consultations at my practice and online.

Occasionally I can be found at a fair or event where you can come by for a short reading of 10 minutes.

Like the Facebook page to stay informed. https://www.facebook.com/praktijkBearHands/

What sessions does Bear-Hands offer?

The full package ( euro 120,00 )

At the top, I also like to do the most. In one session it gives a clear insight into where you are at the moment in your life. It is a combination of numerology, palmistry and tarot. You give your date of birth in advance, so that I can make your numeroscope. During the appointment I read your hands, we lay cards and we go through your numeroscope. And you get a nice souvenir to take home.

Hand analysis ( euro 100,00)

Two appointments are required for the hand analysis. An appointment of up to 10 minutes and then one of approximately 60 minutes. At the first appointment we make an impression of your hands and you come back later for an extensive analysis. For example, you can record the consultation with your phone and take the printout home with you.

Tarot ( euro 75,00) 

A tarot reading takes 45/60 minutes. During the appointment I decide what kind of spread (s) we will do. This depends on the question you have. Tarot and numerology are inextricably linked for me, after all, all cards have a number (except for the court cards...) I will calculate your "Year theme" using your date of birth.

You can also send a question via e-mail or Whatsapp and I will explain the cards for you. I will also send the answer via email or What's app.

"My Own Tarot @Subscription"

Are you someone who actually wants to lay a card regularly, then the "My Own Tarot" subscription might be something for you! For example, do you want to know;

πŸ’« whether you are on the right track?

πŸ’« How to put a certain issue out of your mind?

πŸ’« Where can you find motivation to start or finish something? 

πŸ’« What can give you support?

πŸ’«Or what the universe has to tell you at that moment?

I offer a subscription for a monthly tarot session. 

13 x a year (I follow the lunar calendar) a tarot session worth 13 x € 15.00

= € 195.00 and a "My Own Tarot" deck worth € 59.95 together € 252.95.

The subscription price is € 222.00 (almost 12% discount) and the year starts when you want. For more info send me a whats app +31620415118 or an email: info@bear-hands.nl 'or fill out the Contact form